Meadow Farm is powered by local and traveling volunteers. Local volunteers spend time here on a regular basis and work on projects they love to create and maintain. Or some just show up and say “what needs to be done today?”
Since 2016 we have hosted volunteers who exchange 25 hours a week for room and board. They are from an online site called Workaway.info. Our Workaways have come from 13 different countries from Saudi Arabia to Japan, the USA and many European places as well, They have contributed their gifts and learned many new skills while at it.
Meadow Farm residents also volunteer their time. Jesse Stafford and Sojourna Lee arrived in 2014 and continue to help care for the land now and in anticipation of future residents who will come and be the next generation on the land.
Below is a small sampling of people caught in the act of making the world a better place. Come Join Us!

Meadow Farm volunteers also spend their time helping out on other local farms! Below, our volunteers help harvest winter squash at Xa Kako Dile in Caspar.

We love fermented and pickled foods here at Meadow Farm!